
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nehru Zoological Park


             Welcome to the Hyderabad Zoo! Also known as the Nehru Zoological Park, our zoo was established in 1959 and declared open to the public in 1963. The park extends over 380 acres and is a premier recreation spot in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The Forest Department of the Government of Andhra Pradesh manages the zoo and provides grants for it. We are at the forefront in India of building modern enclosures for the display of animals, such as the extensive safari parks and the habitat for nocturnal animals.

Our major tasks include:
  • Breeding and rehabilitating endangered animals while nurturing their relationship with the fauna of the Deccan plateau.
  • Conducting educational programs to raise public awareness for the protection of wildlife.
  • Conducting research on wildlife for conservation and management.
We have successfully bred exotic and indigenous animals and birds in captivity including the Indian rhino, Asiatic lion, tiger, panther, gaur, orangutan, crocodile, and python. To counter the depletion of the natural populations, we have bred several animals at the zoo and rehabilitated them in various deer parks and sanctuaries.

From a bird's eye view, the zoo premises appear like an oasis amidst a desert of concrete. We strive to maintain and improve the lush green gardens, lawns, and groves so you can observe the animals in their natural habitat. We have enhanced the animal enclosures with indigenous plant materials to simulate natural conditions. The two hundred year old Miralam Tank lake with its unique multiple arched bund attracts hundreds of migratory birds. If you hop on our popular boat ride, you will get a chance to enjoy the view of the scenic landscape from a wider angle. The zoo attracts an average of 15 lakh (1.5 million) visitors annually.

Zoo Education

Wildlife education is our primary objective. We try to ensure that the animals are well-provided for in their natural settings and habitats. Display boards with exhibit details in multiple languages are conveniently located at  each exhibit. Over a period of time, the zoo personnel have achieved expertise in animal handling, breeding of endangered animals, capturing of wild animals, and treatment of injured animals at the zoo and in the wild. The zoo is also involved in the education and training of personnel from newly established zoos. Our trained guides organise and conduct educational sessions for visiting groups from schools. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) like the 'Friends of Snakes' Society also conduct educational programs at our facility.

The Director and Conservator of Forests (I.F.S cadre) heads the zoo organization with the assistance of the Curator (I.F.S) and the Assistant Conservator of Forests. 
Visiting Hours:
(Monday Closed)
Gallery :

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